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Submitted: 2/10/20 • Approved: 2/10/20 • Last Updated: 2/13/20 • R824951-G0-S3
Jan 28, 1823 Scott, Virginia
Dec 3, 1909 Barry, Missouri
Matilda Church
Married 22 Dec 1844 Hancock, Tennessee
Rosanna Roller
Married 6 Apr 1876 Barry, MO
Company A
2nd Arkansas Cavalry
Civil War Union
Cassville Democrat, December 4, 1909 - Rev. Jas. Sons of near Seligman, died Dec. 3rd, after a continued illness, age 85 years, 10 months, and 13 days. He was a Virginian by birth and came to Barry County in 1859, and settled on the farm where he died. In his earlier life he was active minister of the Baptist Church in this county and was well and favorably known by all the old timers. He left six children who are Henry and Jas. Sons Jr., Mrs. Monroe Wasson and Mrs. Merritt Perkins of Seligman, Hiram P. Sons of Cassville and Mrs. Riley Roller of Loveland, CO. In 1844, he married Miss Matilda Church of Tennessee, who was the mother of the above named children; she died in about 1875 and in 1876 he married Miss Rosanna Roller, who survives him. During the Civil War, he served in Co. A, 2nd Ark., Cav. The stern Reaper found him, "as a shock of corn, fully ripe of the harvest." Not for him be our tears; rather let us crown his gave with garlands; few of us will live as long or as well and fewer yet with the Angel of Death greet with such loving arms.
Contributed on 2/10/20
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Record #: 824951