WILSON, WILLIAM “WILLIE” - Jasper County, Missouri | WILLIAM “WILLIE” WILSON - Missouri Gravestone Photos

William “Willie” WILSON

Fair Acres aka Poor Farm Cemetery
Jasper County,

1 Jun 1887 SC
4 Mar 1910
No Data
Death by legal hanging per DC

JURY BROUGHT IN A VERDICT AT 11:30 William Wilson shall hang. The jury into whose hands was placed the life of the negro who killed Millie Plum brought in their verdict at 11:30 Thursday night after being out about an hour. Judge Blair had gone to bed at the Harrington and was called to receive the verdict, and the negro was brought from the jail. As the verdict, and was read to him he looked straight ahead at nothing, as he had done all day in the trial and spoke not a word. In silence he trudged back to the jail, and as he was put in his cell by Jailer Weaver he spoke bis first word.
"Well what was it?"asked a prisoner.
"Oh, bad enough" he replied and the steel door clanked behind him and left him to his thoughts without having shed a tear or in any way betrayed emotion during the past two days.
To deny everything was the defense.
The trial was resumed at 1:30.
The state introduced as evidence a small rope with which Wilson dragged and probably choked to death his victim.

A signed statement made to Prosecutor H L Bright and Jailer Weaver was also introduced by the state.

Following is the statement: "My name is William Wilson. I am 24 years old. I was born in South Carolina. I joined the J G Miller Carnival company last January at Layfette, La. We showed at Wier, Kans. last week. My duty wae working at the merry-go-round and at the boarding car. At Wier City a white woman whom they called Millie Plum, joined the carnival company. We went from Wier, Kans. to Carl Junction. We showed there last week and showed there the last time Saturday night and expected to leave there Sunday morning. This white woman I mentioned cooked for the members of the company. About midnight Saturday, July 11, 1908, I went into the car of the carnival company where Millie Plum was sleeping. I took off my shoes. She was lying down. I asked her to let me have sexual intercourse with her. She refused. Then I hit her on the jaw and knocked her down. I then carried her out of the car and about 100 yards from the car. I then tied a rope around her neck and dragged her some distance to an empty box car. I tried to put her into the car but she was too heavy. I wanted to put her into the car to hide her. She never hit me or cut me at any time. I make this statement under oath and of my own free will and accord, voluntary and without any duress or restraint whatever and without any hope or any promise of clemency of any kind."

When Wilson was pat on the stand he denied that he had killed Millie Pium, and swore that all his other statements to the contrary bad been made when he was so scared that he did not realize what he was telling.

He took a severe grilling by W N Andrews on cross-examination with calm hesitancy and could not be made to depart from his story.

JH Dryden and W B Sayler, attorneys for the defendant took advantage of every opportunity to object and in that way made a desperate fight for their client.

The taking of evidence was finished abont three o'clock and Prosecuting Attorney Clyde Compton opened for the state. After he had finished speaking an adjournment was made for supper and after supper the other three attorneys in the case spoke. They were not limited as to time, and it was about 10:30 before the case was finally submitted to the jury.

The best speech of the occasion was made by Andrews who was at his best as he pleaded for the jurymen to do their duty and uphold the majesty of the law. He appealed to them to act as they would do if it were their daughters, and declared that if it had been his child that was murdered he would have never waited for a jury.
Following are the twelve men that passed on the case:
O H S Kennedy, Carthage.
Frank Shaffer, "
J.W Morgan, Marion township.
Frank Wickstrom, Union
Lew Houk, 15 miles southeast of Carthage.
Charles Bishop Carthage. CD Wilson, Preston township.
Ed Grieb, Sarcoxie.
J C Ross, Duval
J W Clubb, 5 miles south of Carthage
W A Sweetland, Joplin

The verdict was in accord with the wishes of those who heard it last night, and correspondeded with the hopes of those who expressed themselves Thursday afternoon. Some went so far as so say that they were willing to help make it death if the jury did not give him a sentence of that kind.

It is probable that Judge Blair will not set the date for the hanging for about four days. This will give the negro time to ask for new trial or take an appeal should the desire to although it is not thought that he will. Who will hang him is a question. It is hardly probable that Sheriff Parker will have the job, but is more likely that Arch McDonald will have that sort of an experience soon after he takes the oath of office.
Jasper County Democrat Carthage, Missouri · Tuesday, December 22, 1908

This article is not my personal opinion in any way. It is a historical account of this young gentleman's final years.
It is not for me to determine his innocents or guilt. I will say that I don't believe he received a fair trial as the authorities looked no further than William Wilson for any other possible murderer.

Contributed on 1/6/25

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Record #: 836165

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Additional WILSON Surnames in FAIR ACRES AKA POOR FARM Cemetery

Additional WILSON Surnames in JASPER County

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Submitted: 1/6/25 • Approved: 1/8/25 • Last Updated: 1/11/25 • R836165-G0-S3

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