MONTGOMERY VANZANDT, JULIA E - Barry County, Missouri | JULIA E MONTGOMERY VANZANDT - Missouri Gravestone Photos


True Love Cemetery
Barry County,

Dec. 23, 1849
Aug. 5, 1918
Parents: Thomas Vanzant, Catherine Cornett

Apr. 24, 1857
Dec. 30, 1886
Parents: John and Harriet Montgomery

Elijah Vanzandt Passes Away

Elijah Vanzandt of Bonham, Tex., who has been visiting Cassville relatives and relatives and friends near Washburn for the past two weeks died at the home of his half brother, Walter Vanzandt, in this city Monday afternoon at the age of 69 years.

Sunday he took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sparkman near Washburn and ate a hearty dinner. In the afternoon he ate some watermelon and during that afternoon took very sick. It is believed that the roasting corn and watermelon he had eaten had brought on something like cholera morbus. He was brought to Cassville Sunday evening and medical aid was obtained but he grew worse until he passed away that afternoon Monday.

Elijah Vanzandt was born in Tennessee. When a small child his parents moved to this county and located near Washburn. He lived in this county until about twenty years ago when he moved to Texas where he has since lived. He was married to Julia Montgomery, and to them three children were born. Mrs. Vanzandt has been dead for many years. The three children, Mrs. Steven Thompson, Miss Mamie and Albert, all of Texas, are living. He leaves three brothers: James of Los Angeles, Calif., George of Cheyenne, Wyo. and John of near Fort Smith, Ark., and one sister, Mrs. J. D. Knott of Boise city, Idaho. He also leaves three half brothers, Tom, Walter and Charles Vanzandt and a half-sister, Mrs. E. W. Daugherty.

The funeral is being conducted this afternoon, Wednesday.
Newspaper Cassville RepublicanDate August 8, 1918, Thursday

Contributed on 9/22/13 by tslundberg
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Record #: 742892

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Submitted: 9/22/13 • Approved: 9/24/13 • Last Updated: 3/31/18 • R742892-G742890-S3

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