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Submitted: 2/11/15 • Approved: 2/11/15 • Last Updated: 4/14/18 • R764634-G764634-S3
18 Oct 1893 Bucklin, Linn, Missouri
12 Feb 1931 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee
Mrs. Atha (King) Hooker, wife of Atty. Orville(sic.) E. Hooker of this city died yesterday afternoon, Feb. 12, at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis as a result of peritonitis, following upon an operation for appendicitis which had been performed earlier in the day. The body was returned to this city last night by LaForge service and prepared for interment, though funeral arrangements are not at this time completed, awaiting word from relatives of the deceased who live at a distance. Mrs. Hooker was first stricken ill last Friday or Saturday and a decision that an operation was necessary was not reached until Monday evening, when, about 6 o'clock, she was removed from her home here to Memphis. Physicians found there that a rupture of the appendix had occurred and treatment was given her Tuesday in preparation for an operation, which was held not possible to be done immediately. Unfortunately she had reached the hospital too late and peritonitis, with its fatal outcome, was unavoidable. The deceased was a native of north central Missouri, her home having formerly been near Butler. She had been a resident of this county, however, for a number of years, coming first as a teacher in the Hayti schools. There she met her husband, superintendent of the school there at the time, and following their marriage and removal to this city she continued to teach for a few years, being employed here for one or two terms. After Mr. Hooker entered the legal profession, however, both discontinued this line of work, and Mr. Hooker served for two terms in the office of prosecuting attorney of Pemiscot county. Mrs. Hooker was a member of the Eastern Star order and active in its work, also for many years had been a faithful member and an active worker in the Baptist church and Sunday School. She was an excellent example of Christian womanhood, a faithful and devoted wife and mother and a useful member of society. She had a legion of friends here and at Hayti, who are shocked and grieved at her unexpected departure. She was aged 37 years and is survived by a small son, Orville(sic.) , Jr., a little more than two years old, one former child having died in infancy; also is survived by various members of her own family, living, some of them, at considerable distances from here. Funeral arrangements are awaiting word from these.
FUNERAL NOTICE(The Republican - Caruthersville, Missouri)
The funeral of Mrs. Atha Hooker, wife of Atty. O. E. Hooker of this city, was held yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the First Baptist church in this city, the pastor, the Rev. D. K. Foster, conducting the service. It was widely attended, a number of people coming here from nearby towns and communities and various relatives of the family from more distant places being in attendance -- aside from the large number of friends among the local population. An unusually large quantity of floral offerings also attested the friendship for and the esteem in which the deceased was held. Mrs. Hooker's death occurred last Thursday at the Methodist Hospital in Memphis, after a very brief illness and with such unexpectedness as to prove a very great shock to her friends here and elsewhere. Her illness dated only from the latter part of the preceding week and proved to be appendicitis, which had reached such stage by the time of her arrival at the hospital that peritonitis developed and an operation availed nothing. It is stated in this connection that a very peculiar pathological condition existed in her case, that the appendix was located well to the left side of the abdominal cavity, thus making a diagnosis extremely difficult and no doubt accounting in large measure for the progress of the ailment before resorting to hospitalization. Mrs. Hooker is survived, in addition to her small son and her husband, by her father, J. W. King of Bynumville, Mo., two brothers and one sister, Messrs. Raymond W. King of Kansas City, Mo., O. C. King of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Inez Wooleridge of Norborne, Mo. These relatives, including the two Mdmes. King, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips of Marceline, Mo., a brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Hooker, were present at the funeral, which had been postponed to await the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. King, the most distant of them all. Much sympathy is felt for the surviving relatives, particularly the husband and baby boy, who are thus almost without warning deprived of the love and companionship of the mother in their home. Friends will miss Mrs. Hooker, who was universally loved for her many fine qualities by those with whom she had been associated in church and Sunday School and in the community life, and all express poignant regret and sorrow at her untimely passing.
Source: The Democrat Argus (Caruthersville, Pemiscot, Missouri, USA)
Photo(s)and info contributed by David J. Hooker
Contributed on 2/11/15 by tslundberg
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Record #: 764634