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Submitted: 5/18/15 • Approved: 5/18/15 • Last Updated: 4/11/18 • R770351-G770350-S3
Oct. 14, 1867
May 20, 1954
John Robinson Bond (1843 - 1932)
Sarah Ann watkins Bond (1843 - 1912)
Oct. 13, 1850
Jan. 2, 1914
Phillip H. Berry (1805 - 1855)
Rachel Jenkins Berry (1808 - 1904)
Malinda E. Atkison
Andora Bond
Miller County Autogram-Sentinel, Thursday, January 8, 1917
William J. Berry was born October 13, 1850, near Capps, Miller County, Missouri, and was married June 1, 1879, to Malinda E. Atkison to which union were born two children, Edward H. Berry being the only survivor.
On April 2, 1892, Mr. Berry was married to Dollie Bond of Iberia, to which union there were two children born, Jackson J. and Wiley W. Berry, both living and with their mother, Edward H. being in Montana, and on account of being crippled was unable to attend the funeral.
Brother Berry is survived by one sister, Mrs. Wiley Gott, who mourns the death of her brother so much so that in speaking to his lifeless form she pledged herself to meet him in heaven; he is also survived by one brother, C.J. Berry of Capps and W.P. Berry, a nephew, of Eldon.
Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church of Tuscumbia, on Sunday, January 4, conducted by Rev. Estes of Eldon, who delivered a very appropriate scriptural address, after which his remains were laid to rest in the Tuscumbia Cemetery. Brother Berry was a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity, having his membership at Hickory Hill, Missouri.
Photo(s) Contributed by David M Habben
Contributed on 5/18/15 by tslundberg
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Record #: 770351