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Submitted: 1/22/16 • Approved: 1/23/16 • Last Updated: 3/28/18 • R783242-G783240-S3
Feb 20, 1831 - Dec 16, 1910
Aug 23, 1855 - June 9, 1902
William S. Rich (1813 - 1874)
America Jones Rich (1831 - 1910)
Death of a Pioneer Woman.
America Jones was born in Switzerland county, Indiana February 20, 1831, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma McDaniels Friday evening, December 16. She was married to William S. Rich in Ohio county, Indiana, January 18, 1849. He died a few years after coming to Kirksville. To this union three children were born, one of whom died in infancy. The only son, William Rich, died eight years ago.
She was married to G.W. DeReamer September 17, 1876, who died several years ago. For the past six years she had made her home with her daughter, northwest of town. Funeral took place Sunday afternoon. Hon. S.M. Pickler pronounced the funeral euolgy [sic]. He spoke in part as follows:
"We have met to pay our last respects to the one who has just passed over the threshold, as we believe, to a brighter and happier existence. She had passed the milestone that marked the hour of fading day. When the horizon of her life touched the grave, her journey toward the setting sun, had been a long one, withal.
She saw the green trees and running brooks by the waysdie [sic]; and now and anon tarried with the roses that greeted her with sweet perfume and matchless beauty. She rejoiced with the birds in the branches and hailed their songs in unison with her own happy spiritual being.
Every day, she was wont to repeat with another the beautiful lines,—One sweetly solemn thought comes to me o'er and o'er, I'm nearer home today, than I've ever been before, Nearer my fathers' house where the many mansions be; Nearer the great white throne, nearer the crystal sea."
She never halted, never wavered, never lost her way; but with renewed faith and a fuller confidence the dawning of each morning cleared away all the mists and she beheld a brighter light, a more glorious halo, a diviner atmosphere than usually greets the mortal vision, and cheered her on to the happy land supernal.
She was shure [sic]—she never had a doubt or misgiving for years past, that she talked and walked and worshiped with the loved ones gone before.
She communed with them when in the spirit; and lived much in "That shadowy land that lies between this world of life and the world unseen."
Standing as we are today, where all that is mortal lies in the coffin before us, who has a right to say that she is not here in your midst; is not one of us; with us in her sanctified, spiritual body—invisible to our mortal eyes, but comforting and consoling still.
Weekly Graphic
Kirksville, Missouri
December 23, 1910
Family links:
William S. Rich (1813 - 1874)
George W. DeReamer (____ - 1895)
Photo contributed by Larry and Susan Olson
Contributed on 1/22/16 by hawkinsdonna48
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Record #: 783242