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Submitted: 6/17/17 • Approved: 6/18/17 • Last Updated: 4/9/18 • R805224-G805223-S3
Nov. 2, 1837
Feb. 27, 1920
Parents: John Hodges, Malinda Stone
Mar. 31, 1841
May 17, 1923
Charles William Bowen (1813 - 1900)
Mahala P. Bradford Bowen (1813 - 1899)
Thomas B. Bowen, one of the prominent citizens of Knox County, and a resident of Salt River Township, is a native of Knox County, born March 31, 1841. He is a son of Charles Bowen who was born in Maryland January 11, 1813, and came to Marion County, Mo., in the spring of 1838, settling on a farm where he remained two years, and then removed to Shelby County, Mo., living there about a year, and then making a final move to Knox County, locating upon a wild prairie farm in Salt River Township, which he improved, and where he now resides, engaged in farming and stock raising. Mahala (Bradford) Bowen, the mother of our subject, was also a native of Maryland, and was born February 8, 1813. She was married, in her native State to our subject's father, in 1838, and they at once came to Marion County, Mo. She is now spending her days with her husband in Salt River Township.
Our subject remained at home with his parents until the birthday of his twenty-second year. Soon after, he married, lived upon his father's farm about two years, and then moved upon a farm of sixty acres his father had deeded him, which he afterward traded for the place he is now a resident of, paying the difference in cash. To this farm he has added land, until he now possesses 295 acres of well-improved and cultivated land, making him one of the prosperous and enterprising young farmers of the county. He is also engaged in stock raising, in connection with his farming. March 31, 1863, he was married to Sarah E. Hodges, daughter of John and Malinda (Stone) Hodges, natives of Kentucky. Mrs. Bowen was born November 2, 1834, in Kentucky, and to her union with our subject eight children have been born, of whom six are living: Florence E. (wife of William T. Cloyd), Margaret J., Charles W. S., James K., John T. and Archibald T.
During the war our subject served in the Thirty-ninth Missouri Infantry, Company F., from August 11, 1864, until March 23, 1865, but afterward returned home immediately, and resumed his home duties. He was a hearty Republican after the war until after Hayes was elected, and since then he belonged to the Greenback party. He is a worthy member of the I.O.O.F., and himself and his wife rank among the honored and respected citizens of the county.
History of Lewis, Clark, Knox and Scotland Counties Missouri, V.2 Biographical Appendix. Goodspeed Publishing, 1887, p. 1001
Photo(s) Contributed by Larry and Susan Olson
Contributed on 6/17/17 by tslundberg
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Record #: 805224