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Submitted: 4/20/20 • Approved: 4/26/20 • Last Updated: 4/29/20 • R825269-G0-S3
Dec 18, 1839 Harrison Co WV
Apr 5, 1916 MO
Son of Asa “Accy” Carlin and Maria Gifford
Nancy Haddock (1837 - 1912), Married 28 July 1859 Barry Co MO
Margaret Rumbaugh (1848 - 1929)
Company E
69th Regiment Enrolled Missouri Militia
Civil War Union
3 Obituaries:
#1, April 13, 1916, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO - New Site News: Wm. Marshall Carlin was born in West Va., Dec 18, 1839. Died April 5, 1916, age 76 years, 3 months and 23 days. He came to Missouri with his parents at the age of 14 years and settled on a farm southwest of Monett. He was married to Nancy Haddock, July 28, 1859, since which time he has lived on the farm where he died near where his father settled. To this union was born 9 children, eight boys and one girl all of whom are living and were present at his bedside when he died. They are LaFayette of Joplin, Chas. A., Britt and Pleasant of Monett, Sherman of Purdy, Rev. Thos. of Sawyer, Kan., John of McDonald County, Mrs. Samantha Hudson of Jasper, Ark., and Rev. Luther of Fairview. There are 44 living grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Mrs. Carlin died 4 years ago and later he was married to Mrs. Margaret Russell of Eagle Rock who still survives him. He was converted at the age of 12 years and united with the Baptist Church of which body he was a faithful and consecrated member all through life. during the late Civil War he enlisted at Springfield in Co. L. of the First Ark. Cavalry in 1862 in which company he served faithfully until mustered out at Fayetteville, Ark. in 1865. He has been sick since last October suffering intensely with cancer of the bowels. Until a few years ago, he beside farming dealt extensively in cattle. He was widely known and will be greatly missed. Funeral services were held at New Site Thursday at 2 p.m., attended by a large crowd of relatives and friends. The remains were laid to rest by the side of his first wife in New Site Cemetery, Eld, C. M. Smith of Exeter conducting the services. The bereaved ones have our deepest sympathy in this their hour of trial but they sorrow not as those who have no hope for he has just gone on before and some glad day they will meet again where partings are unknown.
#2, Obit - April 13, 1916, Thursday, Cassville Republican Prominent Farmer Passes Away: William Marshall Carlin Died April 5, Age 76 years. In Feeble Health Many Months. Marshall Carlin, one of the best known farmers in Barry County, died after a lingering illness Wednesday, April 5, 1916, at his home southwest of Monett. His funeral was held Thursday at New Site Baptist Church where he had been a member of many years. The funeral was largely attended by citizens from all parts of that section of the county which was a strong testimonial of the esteem in which he had been held. William Marshall Carlin was born in Harrison County, Va., on December 19, 1839. He came with his parents to Barry County in 1856 where he continued to make his home until death. His father, Rev. Asa Carlin, was a well known minister of the Baptist Church. The family located on Stone's Prairie. There he was married in 1859 to Nancy Haddock and located on a farm of his own in what is now the New Site locality. By industry and good management he prospered and became one of the leading farmers and stockmen in this county. His first wife died a few years ago. Later he married Mrs. Margaret Russell. She and the following children are living: W. S. Carlin of Purdy, C. A., Brit, Pleasant and Rev. Luther Carlin of near Monett, Rev. Thos. S. of Kansas, John F. of McDonald County and Mrs. Samantha Hudson of Arkansas. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in the Union Army in Company L. of the First Arkansas Cavalry and served for three years. After the close of the war he returned to his farm and devoted his attention to it and to dealing in live stock. Few citizens of the north part of the county were better known over the county than was Marshall Carlin. He was a successful farmer and a splendid citizen, and excellent neighbor and one of the county's pioneer citizens who was a valuable example to the later generations who have shared the many advantages resulting from the labors of those who blazed the way for the county's present progress.
#3. April 13, 1916, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO - Carlin Will Probated: The will of Marshall Carlin was probated in the office of Judge C. M. Landis Tuesday by attorney Thomas Carlin and T. C. Ecroud of Pierce City who were the witnesses to the will. They were accompanied by Pleasant Carlin who is named executor in the will. The will was dated July 1913. It is a brief document and make the following disposition of property. To Mrs. Margaret Carlin the nw 1/4 of the ne 1/4 of Sect 13-25-28, $500 in money, one horse, one cow and two hogs, all of her own selection and also all the household goods and kitchen furniture. The remainder of the property both personal and real, is left to the nine children, all to share equally. Pleasant Carlin is made executor with bond. #4. New Site News: A goodly number of relatives and friends of W. M. Carlin met at their home Sunday with well filed baskets and surprised them. Among the number from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carlin of Pierce City, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zinn of Freistatt, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Brown and Sherman Carlin of Purdy, Mr. Carlin's daughter Mrs. Samantha Hudson and three sons from Arkansas, Mrs. Tom Montgomery and daughter from Oklahoma, J. L. Means and family of Lawrence County, and Mrs. Maggie Ried [Reed] of Pierce City. Every one seemed to enjoy the day very much especially the dinner which was abundant, well prepared and heartily partaken of by all. Oct 20, 1910, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO Research Note: The following information is from Barry County, MO. Goodspeed's History of Missouri, page 1081.William Marshall Carlin, son of Asa and Maria Carlin, and one of the most prominent farmers of Barry County, Mo was born in Harrison County, VA, on December 19, 1839. In 1856 he came with his parents to Barry County, MO, and remained with them until he was twenty years of age. Then when he married, he settled where he was living in 1888. (Goodspeed's account) William Carlin built the mill at Purdy, MO, in 1885. On July 28, 1859, he was united in marriage with Nancy Haddock, who was born on February 25, 1859. Her father was Charles Haddock, one of the first settlers of the county. He was a farmer and stock raiser, and a very prominent citizen. To Wm Marshall Carlin and wife Nancy Haddock Carlin were born nine children (account 1888 Goodspeed). They were Harrison L., Charles A., William S., Samantha, Thomas S., John F., Bitty, Pleasant and Luther. Wm Marshall Carlin served as Union in Federal Army, Civil War and was a Baptist by faith. Research Note: Callaway Funeral Home Records stated that Wm M. Carlin was born in West VA on the 18th of Dec in the year of 1839. His funeral was on the 6th of April in 1916. The services were conducted at the New Site Church at 2:30 p.m. Also the record states that his death came on the 5th of April 1916, and the cause of death was cancer of the stomach. His age was given as 76 years, 3 mos., 17 days old when he died and was buried at New Site Cemetery. His father was Acy Carlin and his mother was Maria Gifford who were both born in West VA.
Cassville Republican
Contributed on 4/20/20
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Record #: 825269