DAVIS, DORA BLANCHE - Pemiscot County, Missouri | DORA BLANCHE DAVIS - Missouri Gravestone Photos

Dora Blanche DAVIS

Mount Zion Cemetery
Pemiscot County,

Jun. 13, 1875
Feb., 1941

Nov. 26, 1955

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Church of Christ for T.A. Davis of this city, who died in the pulpit of the church after delivering a fifteen-minute invitation talk and song at the morning services Sunday morning. The services were conducted by Elder Thomas C. Whitfield of Searcy, Ark., and interment was in the Mt. Zion cemetery.
Mr. Davis, who was 65 years of age, was born at Parson, Tenn., June 13, 1875, and soon after his marriage to Miss Dora Riggs on July 13, 1902, he moved to Steele. For a number of years he owned a cafe and bus station in Steele, but last year retired from active work and moved on his farm at Denton. He joined the Church of Christ at the age of 17 years and has been a member since then. He has been a deacon of the church for the past 18 years.
He is survived by his wife, one son, V.I. Davis of Steele, and two daughters, Mrs. Lester Wood of Portageville and Mrs. Curry Allbritton of Steele.
Democrat Argus - Caruthersville, Missouri - Friday, February 14, 1941

Steele, Mo. - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, November 28, at 2:30 o'clock for Mrs. Dora Blanche Davis, 78, who died suddenly of a heart attack Sunday morning. She was stricken while attending services at the Church of Christ and died within a few minutes after being rushed home.
A peculiar coincidence in her husband, the late T.A. Davis, died in 1941 of a heart attack, stricken in the same church while making a church annoucement.
Mrs. Davis was born in Decatur county, Tenn. and the family came to Steele in 1918. They were active in church and community activities and the late Mr. Davis, a carpenter and contractor, built a number of residences in Steele, also three business structures.
She is survived by one son, Iry of Steele and two daughters, Mrs. C.S. Allbritton of Steele and Mrs. Lillian Woods of Portageville, Mo.; a sister, Mrs. Edna Bowman of Parsons, Tenn.; nine grandchildren and seven geat-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held from the Church of Christ in Steele, conducted by Brother Thomas C. Whitfield of Nashville, Tenn., assisted by the pastor, Brother Chris Lyles.
Burial was in Mt. Zion cemetery, with the German Funeral Home in charge of arangements.
Democrat Argus - Caruthersville, Missouri - Friday, December 2, 1955

Contributed on 5/5/14 by ttack
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Record #: 750480

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Submitted: 5/5/14 • Approved: 5/11/14 • Last Updated: 4/14/18 • R750480-G750479-S3

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